How the Royal Ecole is Redefining Early Education in Seoni?

Royal Ecole is defining early education in seoni as per the norms of NCF under its programme PANCHAKOSHA VIKAS (Five Fold Development) which is the keystone in the Indian Tradition of the Imagination. It’s the fusion of the Age old teaching into Modern Teaching Methods. This concept of panchakosha was taken from the Taittriya Upanishad. The Curriculum aims to create more Holistic and Balanced Educational Experience.

·  ANNMAYA KOSHA (Food Sheath)

·  PRANAMAYA KOSHA (Energy Sheath)

·  MANOMAYA KOSHA (Mental Sheath)

·  VIJANAMYA KOSHA(Wisdom Sheath)

·  ANANDAMAYA KOSHA (Bliss Sheath) Connected to Divine

As per the above evolution our school is providing healthy and nutritious food in our Mess regularly Breakfast and Lunch for our day boarders and for the residents scholars mess is providing Dinner also with the super Delicious pure Milk as our last meal of the Day. For giving us energy we have various games and physical activities trainers with us especially Basketball, Atheletes, Riffle Shooting, Swimming Coaches etc. For providing us mental health we have Yoga and Meditation Sessions time to time along with the Zumba class for giving peace to our mind along with flexibility in our Body. With all this affirmations we all are connected to the divine with the extra ordinary Happy Assembly for creating Bliss among us.